Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Philadelphia 76ers Lose by 43, Which Is Actually Better Than Yesterday

Here's hoping the Philadelphia 76ers employ a glass-half-full philosophy.

They'll need that kind of optimism to spin their 43-point drubbing at the hands of the Golden State Warriors on Monday into a positive. What's incredible is that from a literal perspective, the 123-80 bludgeoning was actually a step in the right direction.

But only because the Sixers lost by 45 to the Los Angeles Clippers the night before.

Per Stats LLC (via ESPN), 76ers head coach Brett Brown said after that debacle: "We ran into a buzz saw and we got jumped early."

Well, they ran into the buzz saw again.

Philly ascended into the pantheon of back-to-back ineptitude by dropping two 40-point contests in a row:

Worse still, the Sixers' combined margin of defeat put them in a category occupied by just two other teams in the entire history of the NBA:

That's some epic futility.

In a strange way, Philadelphia's season, though hard to watch, is going exactly as planned. Nobody expected the Sixers to do anything but lose this year, and they're settling into a comfortable doormat groove lately.

This is what they wanted.

As a matter of fact, these two recent defeats might give rise to a new term in honor of 76ers general manager Sam Hinkie:

I'm not sure he'd like to be remembered for what his team has done over the past two games, but it might not be up to him.

The Utah Jazz get a crack at the Sixers on Feb. 12, and no team has ever lost three straight by at least 40 points. History will be on the line in Salt Lake City on Wednesday.

Don't screw this up, Jazz. The world is watching.

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